Attack on Titan Formal Levi Pop! is Dressed to Kill in the Crunchyroll Store!

Formal Levi Funko Pop!


Just because you're taking down Titans doesn't mean you have to dress down to do so! Take Levi Ackerman for example, as he aims for the nape while dressed to the nines in a new Attack on Titan Formal Levi Funko POP!, now available to order from the Crunchyroll Store!


Levi may be standing defiantly with his arms crossed, decked out in the finest fashion, but he's ready for any colossal challenge the Titans throw his way. You'll be able to place him in service of your personal Attack on Titan collection when he launches this October, and you can secure a Formal Levi Pop! of your own in the Crunchyroll Store today.



Don't wait too long to add Formal Levi to your own Corps, as this item is available on a limited basis.


Order Attack on Titan Formal Levi Funko POP! from the Crunchyroll Store today!


By Crunchyroll feed