Anime & Manga's 5 Best Kind Hearted Characters
These characters usually have muscular and attractive bodies, allowing their strength to catch up on their below-average brainpower.
Himbos have grown in popularity over the years due to their endearing hearts of gold and lack of intelligence. While these himbo heroes may struggle intellectually, they're typically strong-willed and can fight to the bitter end for what they believe. Here are the five greatest and best himbos anime and manga industry has to offer. ✨
Goku - Dragon Ball Z 🔥

As one of anime's most famous anime and manga dumb protagonists, Goku from Dragon Ball Z is really the most popular dumb himbo in all of anime.
Goku has the standard character design of a himbo, with an excessively muscular body that will overpower his enemies. While Goku may be a genius when it involves combat, he lacks understanding of the planet around him. as an example, he agreed to marry Chi-Chi because he thought marriage was food -- and his love of food offers some kind of dumb comedic relief throughout the entire series, as he tends to stress more about eating than getting beaten during a fight.
Despite his childish innocence, Goku is incredibly sincere and cares about others. He is the most selfless anime character and always uses his immense power to assist the greater good instead of himself although it seems like he just wants to fight, he has an immense amount of power of friendship. He has a pure heart of gold and fans still find Goku's goofy and silly antics endearing.
Joseph Joestar - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 🌟

He has an excessively carefree approach to combat and prefers to taunt his enemies so he has a chance to point out off.
With a highly energetic charisma and sometimes comical attitude, Joseph has become a himbo beloved by anime fans.
Might Guy - Naruto 🍥

While he yells about the "Power of Youth" and challenges Kakashi to fights he knows he can't win, most fans remember Might Guy for his discipline and grit. As a master of taijutsu, his physical strength is second to none, and this is often reflected in his overly muscular character design.
Despite being seen as a goofy character who overestimates his own abilities, Might Guy becomes a war hero and proves his superior combat abilities when nearly sacrificing himself within the Fourth Great Ninja War by opening the Eight Inner Gates.
Mirio Togata (Lemillion) - My Hero Academia🦸♂️

Given his strong and capable body and his unwavering heart of gold, Mirio was the highest candidate to become All Might's successor until he met Izuku Midoriya. With a blinding smile and charismatic optimism, Mirio is that the ideal image of a top hero who instills faith and trust within the general public. Despite being an incredibly strong and capable hero who others admire and respect, Mirio doesn't actively seek attention or accolades.
Kamina - Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann

Kamina's goals and motivations are commendable, as he also fights for his dream that future children will not need to sleep in fear.
Well, I would still say Naruto Uzumaki is the kindest anime character of all - but that's just my opinion.
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Master of Tijutsu