Run for the Money: The Great Mission Anime Reveals New Trailer
Run for the Money: The Great Mission , an ongoing TV anime based on a Japanese game, has published a new trailer as well as a digest video that recaps the latest story arc. The series began broadcasting in Japan in April of 2023, and it will continue its run with new episodes beginning on January 7, 2024. RELATED: Run for the Money: The Great Mission TV Anime Catches Oppressive New Visual Inspired by Fuji TV's Tousouchuu live-action game show, Yukio Kaizawa and Kohei Kureta direct Run for the Money: The Great Mission at animation studio Toei Animation. Toei Animation describes Run for the Money: The Great Mission : This series is about a survival mixed with entertainment game and as the title says, the principle is that the participants must escape at all costs from their robotic attackers! Source: Comic Natalie

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