The Detective is Already dead episode 1 talks

⭐The Detective is Dead tells the story of an unfortunate high school student Kizuka Kohiko, who became Siesta's assist, ended up sleeping with her💖

The Detective Is Already Dead tastes a Popular Japanese Urban Legend

⭐"The Detective is Dead" tells the story of an unfortunate high school student named Kizuka Kohiko, who reluctantly became John Watson of Detective Siesta Holmes. Like Watson and Holmes, then ended up sleeping with his detective employer. "In the same apartment and accompany her in all situations she takes. In the first episode of the animation, a case investigated by Siesta was Toire no Hanako-san, or Hanako of the Bathroom, in English.

If the name of the corpus sounds familiar 🙂, it is because it is familiar. Hanako-san is a famous urban legend in Japan and has seen many media adaptations at home and abroad. The concept of ghosts haunting public toilets in Japan is largely nothing new. This is an urban legend that did not exist until the 1930s. In fact, the legend of Hanako-san comes from Aka Manto, another vicious ghost known for haunting abandoned bathrooms with outdated squat toilets.

In Aka Manto, apprentices often feel that they need the nearest bathroom, which eventually leads to ghosts. When they noticed that there was no toilet paper, they heard a voice asking if they wanted to use red or blue paper throughout the bloody area; if they chose blue paper, they would be sucked. Their blood turned blue. 😨

In one version of this story, Hanakosan is portrayed as an innocent girl in a red dress with burn scars; in another version, it appears as a three-headed lizard. In the worst version of the story, Hanako-san comes out of the bathroom and drags her away. The version of the urban legend "The detective is dead" reinterpreted in the first episode is the first version of the legend, in which Hanako-san appears as a girl in a red skirt and a combination of the version in which it drags the victim into the toilet. 😶

When Siesta makes a decision to analyze the Hanako-san phenomenon taking region at Kimihiko's college, there are info which can be of precise hobby to her: the reality that too many college students are going lacking in terms of the city legend and the reality that woman college students "grow to be Hanako-san" after an come across with her. Siesta makes a decision the first-rate manner to analyze the case is through going to the tradition pageant taking region at Kimihiko's college. This could provide her the appropriate excuse to analyze the lavatories on the college and research the sincere reality approximately what is in reality occurring to the college students.While investigating one of the stalls, Siesta discovers a bit of a drug packet. She later deduces that the real "Hanako-san" is a drug supplier dispensing a powdered drug to college students which have a popularity for raising temper and enhancing concentration. The drug additionally has the extra aspect impact of impairing memory, which effortlessly money owed for the odd conduct of a number of the woman college students. The college students going lacking is clearly because of them being drug addicts promoting and shopping for the identical drug at the streets.In different words, there's no ghost lurking approximately the college, as Siesta explains to Kimihiko -- only a drug supplier exploiting a famous city legend to cowl up his very own crook activity. 🤐

So this story kinda takes a dark turn at the very beginning of the anime and manga Watch the story about the crime fighting duo unravel the mysteries of the wicked world. And as the anime name suggests, "THE DETECTIVE IS ALREADY DEAD", you know what I mean to say. 😓